
About Me

This tag was playing around everywhere for a while long back, so since nothing else to write, but since I want to write, I am picking the tag without being tagged by anyone! I am not sure what five things I can write about which gives insight into my nature or behaviour to others. Hmm, let me try.

1. I love tomatoes. I can have them in the form of tomato ketchup or raw ones in salt, or along with burger. 

2. Music has always been a passion.

3. I don't get irritated and angry very fast, but when angry I cool down instantly. I am extremely sensitive and emotional and think too much and can ponder over that and this and the results of which you people are reading this. So enjoy!!! 

4. I used to or am an addict of Hindi movies. Rest of the time I used to sit glued to pc and if you ask what I will do, if net is there, I spend time browsing that n this, if not, I will check all the thorough analysis of all the folders, and if found any softwares, I try them out, or if I get any software, I install them, try it out, uninstall it, and this will go on till the pc gets stuck, which happens very fast usually. Don’t worry I do that especially if its not my PC! 

5. I don’t know swimming. There are lot of sports and exercises which I have not played. In my young age, I wished to take participate in lots, but either my health or some reason or other posed as hindrance. I used to play carroms with my brother (carrom-specialist!!) and chess with the neighbour friends (to whom I lost all time )… Hmmm. Those were the days…